Yiu Style

Yiu Style Tai Chi


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Yiu Style Tai Chi is extremely good for you because it allows you time to breathe deeply and concentrate on the lower abdomen. It is focussed on meditation (a walking meditation). That is seeking the Yin in the Yang (relative inaction, in action). This is reflected through the breathing of Yiu Style, that is breathing in gently but deep, holding the breath (pause) and then breathing out. Expanding and contracting the lower abdomen, naturally. Breathe in and expand the lower ...

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Body, Mind and Spirit

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Human beings are spiritual, mental and emotional beings and are ultimately looking for happiness and love. We do however tend to be governed by our emotions and feelings, which are based on the mind. Therefore one cannot find happiness unless the mind is content. A happy person always has a clear head. Tai Chi trains the body, the mind and the spirit and helps to soothe and dissolve emotions by leading the mind to a higher level of consciousness, making ...

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Principles and Benefits of Tai Chi

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Tai Chi is about internal strength and is based on very profound Taoist philosophy and wisdom as found in the I Ching and the writings of Lao Tsu and Chuang Tsu. To learn Tai Chi without the philosophy and its history is like learning Tai Chi in black and white rather than in colour. Yin and Yang is the greatest philosophy of all, the beginning of the universe, two opposite particles, which evolve into the 8 Trigrams.

Tai Chi is what ...

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