Experience tranquillity in motion …


3 gifts runs classes at Dee Why and Randwick every Saturday morning.

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Yiu Style Tai Chi

Yiu Style Tai Chi is about energy flow and harmony between the mind and body. The movements are natural and flowing when combined with deep breathing make the mind feel calm and peaceful.

With regular practice Tai Chi:

  • relaxes and warms the body
  • brings calmness of mind
  • nourishes the internal organs
  • improves circulation
  • strengthens the legs
Tai Chi College of Australia


The information contained here is proudly presented following almost two decades of studying Tai Chi at the Tai Chi College of Australia under the fabulous Grandmaster Ho Lo. Without his wonderful teaching, patience and profound understanding of this art these pages would be empty. Thank you Grandmaster Ho Lo.

In addition, thank you to all my tai chi sisters and brothers, your tai chi journeys have played a major part in enhancing, nourishing and enriching my own.